Second group of #WCZRH speakers

Today we are excited to start announcing the second group of confirmed speakers for WordCamp Zurich 2019. We have an amazing line up of speakers this year and one more post like this will follow in the upcoming days.

First group of #WCRZH speakers

Simona Simionato

Public speaking: dispel the myths and tips for success

In this talk, we will face the false myths that discourage many people to apply as a speaker and some technique to overcome stage anxiety.

Kerstin Müller

Hirn trifft Webseite – und wie du deine Besucher überzeugen kannst

Um heute mit unserer Webseite und einem Angebot zu überzeugen, müssen wir uns gegen fast unendlich viele Suchergebnisse durchsetzen. Da reicht es nicht mehr einfach nur, unser Angebot zu platzieren, sondern wir müssen uns vor allem mit den Bedürfnisse unserer Besucher auseinandersetzen.

Andras Guseo

Faster Support – From Both Sides

Andras has been working in a dedicated support role for 3.5 years, during which he saw the ins and outs of support. Quick and easy help with fast resolution, as well as long conversations, miscommunication, frustrating issues, angry clients, escalations, and parting. In his talk Andras will give some tips and guidance to both parties — the support agents and the clients — on how providing and asking for support can be made a faster and better experience.

Enrik Berisha

Pains and Gains with WooCommerce

WooCommerce rocks! Sure, but there are also some big complications that come with it. Multilingual capability, multi-currency support, multi-stock management and point of sale connectivity are just some points which have caused a lot of headache in our agency, not to mention bulk pricing, caching and third-party plugins.

This talk focuses on the pains and gains we had as an agency building multiple complex eCommerce projects based on WooCommerce. It will not contain any coding examples but will have some technical content such as AJAX, performance and caching.

Simon Kraft

WordPress for Future – a smarter, leaner and more efficient web

Every time, you load a website — even this one — a certain amount of carbon is emitted to the atmosphere. These emissions are tied to the amount of energy consumed in the process of delivering the websites content to your browser. Let’s explore options for both, reducing your own websites greenhouse gas emissions and helping others to do the same by making a third of the web smarter, leaner and more efficient.

Dorian Warning

Die dunkle Seite der Conversion-Optimierung

In diesem Vortrag, wirst Du erfahren, was Dark Patterns sind, wie sie eingesetzt werden und warum Du sie definitiv nicht einsetzen solltest. Selbst wenn, sie Deine Konversion Rate kurzfristig optimieren könnten.


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